DUI checkpoints are a legal means for police departments to enforce their zero tolerance for driving while under the influence. The US Supreme Courts 1990 ruling made these checkpoints legal assuming that they would operate under specific guidelines. —>Click Here to View Current DUI Checkpoints in Ohio<— How Would a Non-Resident Know About a Checkpoint? Where Are the Checkpoints? The checkpoint must be located in an area where there is a lengthy history of alcohol-related incidents according to The Ohio State Highway Patrol. There is no formal “list’ of the […]
Read more ›Holidays Not So Happy With a DUI Out and about getting all of your holiday shopping done, lists checked, stocking stuffers ready, and you decide to stop and have a few drinks. Next thing you know, you are pulled over and given a sobriety test. Your holiday gift from the law. Handcuffed and taken downtown. The scenario above is a very popular one during the holiday season. The stress of the holidays makes us want to unwind. Unfortunately, this seemingly innocent act is cause for a DUI charge. The Holiday […]
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